27 October 2022
Scientific Style and Format

  Scientific Style and Format is the most recognized, authoritative reference for authors, editors, publishers, students, and translators in all areas of science and related fields. The eighth edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect recent changes in language relating to the perpetually evolving electronic and online environments, new and updated references in all chapters, and changes in international standards and policies. Also new to this edition are guidelines and examples for citing online images and information graphics, podcasts and webcasts, online videos, blogs, social networking sites, and e-books. Style instructions for physics, chemistry, genetics, biological sciences, and astronomy have been adjusted to reflect developments in each field. The coverage of numbers, units, mathematical expressions, and statistics has been revised and now includes more information on managing tables, figures, and indexes. Additionally, a full discussion of plagiarism and other aspects of academic integrity is provided, along with a complete treatment of developments in copyright law, including Creative Commons.

  With coverage ranging from style conventions to publishing procedures to citation practices, Scientific Style and Format offers clear guidance on both print and electronic publications. This fully revised eighth edition continues to help all who work with scientific content to present research effectively and responsibly.

  Scientific Style and Format 8th Edition is now available in print (retail price, $70.00) and as an online reference through an annual subscription. As a member benefit, CSE members are eligible to receive a 20% discount on the online version. Click here to access the “Members Only” section to retrieve the discount code. Visit to sign up for a free trial or for additional pricing information.