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AiScholar Academy
Customized One-on-One Writing Tutoring
1-on-1 tutorials customized guides you in mastering stronger research skills, novel findings,
and professional expertise
Guide you towards professional growth and successes both at school and in the workplace
Contact us


expert tutors from across the globe


publishing channels


satisfied students
Service Coverage
A full package of tutoring solutions to meet diverse needs
Top international journals
International journals
Conference proceedings
Chinese core journals
CSSCI/Core Journals of PKU
Chinese journals
Provincial & national Chinese journals
Graduation thesis
Bachelor/master/PhD theses
Service Modules
A one-stop solution to all problems you face in paper-writing
  • Customized Planning
  • Basic Package
  • Advanced Package
  • Writing Guide
  • Publication Support

We can help if you

are looking for an advisor who can supervise your paper writing

need a professional and responsible tutor for paper writing

do not know how to plan your research work and outline your paper

cannot make time from busy work schedules to get your paper done

What we offer

all-round assessment of your academic grounding
matching you with the most suitable tutor
personalized tutoring solutions
customized scheduling of research work & writing tasks
Contact us

We can help if you

are slow in reviewing piles of literature and do not know which are useful

read extensively on published works but have no idea how to dig deeper

do not know how to take notes and summarize views from the works you have read

lack the expertise in using professional research software

What we offer

sharing useful research literature and materials
improving your efficiency in literature search and review
equipping you with skills in using research software
providing instructions about writing norms
Contact us

We can help if you

do not know how to pick a topic for research

have no idea how to start your research work

need a robust logical framework for your research and do not know how what
methodology to use

find it time-consuming to learn data collection methods from scratch

do not know how to parse the experiment data

What we offer

professional advice on how to select and assess a
research topic
identifying the value and significance of your research
guidance on research methodology
support in data collection and analysis
demonstrated use of research methods and models
Contact us

We can help if you

meet a bottleneck when completing your paper

know no writing techniques

cannot get rid of Chinglish and grammar errors

suffer a high similarity index for your paper

do not know how to fix styling and formatting errors of your manuscript

What we offer

improving your literature review
helping you outline your research and straighten the logic
of writing
personalized mentoring of writing skills
providing professional advice on the language and
content of your paper
Contact us

We can help if you

do not know which journal to select and often receive rejection from journals

receive no response from journals after submission

have no idea how to respond to reviewers' comments

do not know how to revise your manuscript as per the reviewers' comments

What we offer

planning and keeping track of your submitted manuscript
professional editing and review services
analyzing reviewers' comments and providing revision
Contact us
Why Choose Us
Professional Tutoring with Six Service Highlights

Project-Style Tutoring

Problem-oriented mentoring; 1-on-1 and
customized online tutoring

Broad Domain Coverage

Selecting tutors in all research domains
from AiS Global to design mentoring plans specially for you

Accurate Tutor Matching

Big data-driven algorithms to match you
with the most suitable tutors who are
professors from top universities, journal
editors and reviewers

High Acceptance Guarantee

1000+ publishing channels to get your paper published on SCI/SSCI/EI/SCOPUS/CNKI- indexed journals

Quick Tutor Response

Interacting with tutors on live courses +
exclusive Q&A sessions to give you
systematic and customized training

One-stop Mentoring Solution

A full range of services from planning, tutoring, guiding, to advising, all designed to improve your research abilities across the board

Service Workflow
We provide one-stop and thorough tutoring services to get your problems solved




Submit application online


Get matched with your tutor


Sign agreement


Receive customized tutoring plan


Attend 1-on-1 tutoring


Reach your goal

* Some steps in the workflow vary with the service module or package

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a completed paper from you?

We do not do ghostwriting. AiS Writing Lab honors the principles of "integrity, transparency, and good will" in all services we provide, and we will do our best to provide professional and personalized guidance to help you improve your academic groundwork and research strength.

How long will the tutoring go?

Usually, it takes 3-6 months to complete the tutorials, but the specific duration will depend on your needs, your interactions with the tutor and your study/work timetable.

Will my information be safe with you?

As a professional academic service provider, we are committed to protecting your work, ordering information and other materials you provide to us by making our employees and experts honor a strict NDA.

What are the advantages you have over other tutoring
service providers?

Our major competitive edges include 1) a pool of experts drawn by our AiS platform from across the globe; 2) guaranteed channels for publication; 3) tutoring plans tailored specifically to your needs; 4) quality feedback & aftersales service.

Can you find a tutor for me if what I am studying is an
unpopular major?

With experts in all research domains on our AiS platform, we can satisfy 99% needs for tutoring from our clients.

I have never written a paper before, and can you help me
get my paper published?

Sure. We provide all-round tutoring service to help you get your paper published on common Chinese journals, EI/CPCI/SCI/SSCI/CSSCI-indexed journals regardless of your publishing experience.

Contact Us



+86 13922152147